What is the difference between a paint and coating? In a nutshell, paints have protective properties but are primarily used to change color. Coatings (elastomeric) provide both color and texture options, but are primarily selected for their protective properties.
If you’re painting concrete, which option should you go with? It really depends on your expectations.
In this post, I will preview a head-to-head comparison between a paint and coating.
But first…
Why Does Concrete Often Require a Coating Instead of Paint?
Because protection issues – like corrosion and infiltration prevention – are often primary concerns for concrete applications, they generally require a specialized coating rather than a latex paint.
Head-To-Head Comparison
Exterior Architectural Paints
- Architectural paints have some protective properties. However, use primarily to change color.
- Most latex paints do not provide waterproofing or extreme chemical resistance benefits.
- Designed to provide a balance of properties, including wind-driven rain resistance.
- General protection from sun, rain, wind and snow.
- Lower material and labor cost up front.
- Dry film thickness (DFT) less than 5 mills.
Masonry Exterior Coatings
- Coatings provide both color and texture options. However, coatings are primarily selected for their protective properties.
- Concrete coatings provide waterproofing, weather resistance or elongation and tensile strength benefits.
- Stronger wind-driven rain resistance versus architectural paint.
- Excellent flexibility and durability to changes in weather compared to latex coatings.
- Lower cost overtime due to greater life expectancy and lower maintenance.
- Dry film thickness (DFT) greater than 5 mills, typically 8 to 10 mills.
Paint And Coating Recap
Now you know the difference between a paint and coating. Review the benefits and decide which product you should select for your project. Either decision will make your building look much better and provide protection for years to come.
So Amigos, what are your thoughts on paints vs coatings when painting concrete? Share below…
Also, check out Paint Amigo’s pH test kit recommendation below (Amazon affiliate links)…
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I like that you explain how coatings are usually good for protecting concrete since it can provide tensile strength benefits, waterproofing, and weather resistance. This would be a great way to help keep the surface in good condition, especially if it’s the exterior of a building. If someone wants this protection, they’d probably want to go online to research the various types of coatings and then find a local professional that specializes in the kind they want in order to ensure that it’s applied correctly to the surface for lasting results.
Thanks for the feedback Erika!